
python SMTP发送中文名的附件乱码

最近需要开发一个功能支持通过SMTP发送附件到某个邮箱. 网上抄了一份代码: atta_obj = MIMEApplication(content) atta_obj.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=atta["Name"]) 对于英文文件名的附件能正常发送, 但是对于中文文件名, 收


参考原文: https://www.jozxing.cc/archives/1114 症状:使用proxychains4 nmap的时候发现走的并非代理,而执行命令 proxychains4 curl ifconfig.io 的时候,获取到的ip地址的确是本地的。无论怎么


编写operator通常会依赖一些框架来生成代码, 主要用到的是operator-sdk, 新版的operator-sdk内部用的是kubebu

Writing Hugo blog in Org (File Export)

First heading within the post This post will be exported as content/posts/writing-hugo-blog-in-org-file-export.md. Its title will be “Writing Hugo blog in Org”. It will have hugo and org tags and emacs as category. The lastmod property in the front-matter is set automatically to the time of export. The menu item identifier is auto-set. The menu item weight and post weight if needed have to be manually specified as shown above. A sub-heading under that heading It’s draft state will be marked as true because of #+hugo_draft: true.